What does MyCAA pay for?
MyCAA pays for tuition costs for education and training courses and examinations leading to an Associate’s Degree (excluding Associate’s Degrees in General Studies, Liberal Arts, and Interdisciplinary Studies that do not have a concentration), license, certificate or certification at an accredited college, university, or technical school in the United States or approved testing organization that expands employment or portable career opportunities for military spouses.

Military Spouses Overseas
Are you a military spouse currently based outside of the US (i.e., Italy, Germany, UK, Netherlands, Japan, South Korea, etc) and need assistance with your MyCAA benefit? We can help! Fill out the form on the right side of this page and an ECA Advisor will be in touch with you within 24-48 hours!

We recommend that you browse through our list of MyCAA Programs here to give you a better idea of the courses we offer. All our courses are online, self-paced and leads to the industries’ most in-demand jobs!

Q: Can I take the course even if I am located outside US?
A: Yes. The courses are all online and self paced

Q: What if my course requires externship?
A: Students from overseas will have to wait to get back to the US and inform us upon their return they want to do their externship. We will make the arrangements on the student’s behalf. A refresher access to the program can also be provided.

Q: Can I still use my MyCAA even if I am not a US Citizen?
A: As long as your spouse has registered you in DEERs, and you meet the initial eligibity requirements, you should be able to apply for your MyCAA

Q: What are the initial eligibility requirements?
A: Your service member is within the ff ranks E1 - E5, O1 - O2, W1 - W2 and is in active duty. You are at least 18 years of age and has a GED or high school diploma. Note: E6 and O3 spouses with active duty service members are now also eligible.
